Accommodations for Test Taking

  • Submit your Accommodation Letter to your Professor(s). It is each student's responsibility to share this letter with the professor whose course you intend to use your approved accommodations.
  • It is strongly recommended to discuss your accommodations at the start of the semester with each professor.
  • It is recommended to send an email reminder to each professor 1 week before the exam indicating you plan to use your extended test time accommodation.
  • Professors will make time adjustments on the online platform(s) they are using to proctor exams. In the event, your professor cannot accommodate your extended testing time due to a time conflict, contact your ARC counselor immediately to determine a resolution.

Note taking Accommodations for Online Courses:

  • During this time, all classes have been moved to an online setting. There are generally two types of online courses, (1) Live-online which requires a remote class meeting(s), and (2) fully online which does not have any class meeting times. Furthermore, for fully online classes that do not have a live lecture, there may not be a need for a note-taking assistance accommodation.
  • Many instructors during this time are recording their live-zoom classes and making them available through Canvas. In this case, students will have the capability to go back and review previously recorded lectures for further clarification.
  • If you have been approved for a notetaking assistance accommodation, and plan to request to use this for a specific course, please complete the Note-Taking Accommodation Request form.
  • Lecture Notes will be distributed to students' OCC email.